Friday, February 6, 2009

Ever wondered if you can access your emails without connecting to the Internet???

Well, the new "Offline" service by Gmail does exactly this for you. Using this very new feature you can access your mails without having to connect to the Internet! You can not only read your mails, star and label them but also actually do everything that you do when you are online.

Here is a video which talks about how this feature actually works -

Not sure how this is going to help you? Let me tell you how this new service actually saved me! I had this presentation that I had to give in my "..." course. After I connected my laptop to start the presentation I realized that I forgot to download the latest version of the presentation from my email account. The Internet Connection at that time was pretty bad due to some "technical" problems. Luckily few days back I tried out this feature (Thanks to my curiosity of trying out new technologies ;) :P) and so could access all my emails without connecting to the net.

Not only for presentations ;) but this might also help you out when you are say travelling and have to access your emails urgently for some important information.

Seems great? You are just few steps away from it :-)

Offline Gmail for more information

Enjoy ! :-)

P.S : Images for the blog have been taken from Google Images